As in everything, people are fallible typos can be missed. The programs are written and reviewed by people many times. A review of the slides will also allow you to make note of or correct any typos that the training committee and publishing team may have missed when the program was released. Make updates to the notes section with any personal notes that you wrote during your CIT course. Read through the instructor guide material located in the “Notes” section of the presentation. Open the presentation slides and go through them one-at-a-time. Regardless of how long it’s been since you completed your CIT certification exams, review the material you will be teaching.

Here are 5 things to which you should pay special attention when preparing for your first IPC J-STD-001, Certified IPC Specialist (CIS) class. However, with some preparation and a little confidence, the class can be a success. You have the authorization to teach and present the certification exams to others. You went through the training, you passed the exams, you completed the hands-on projects and you are now a Certified IPC Trainer (CIT).

A master instructor talks about 5 things to prepare before teaching your first J-STD-001 CIS class.