But, as with the movies, you either get a death scene, or you get a sequel. But on Mega Drive at least, it appears that Robotnik's vehicle would have been escaping into the distance while malfunctioning, before possibly going up in smoke.

In both the 16-bit and 8-bit versions of Sonic, there is one final hit on Robotnik that seals Sonic's victory, but you never see him die (because he doesn't - he's back again a year later). There are small spritesleft in the game code that were most likelyintended tofeature in the end sequence. But with the sound test screen scrapped (and relegated to a text-only feature of the level select screen), the 'SAY-GERRR' chime could fit, and went down in history.

This sound file alone takesup almost 1/8th of the memory in the entire cartridge. There is also a background of a torture chamber and a room that houses both unused features. In the files of AWHOLENEWWORLD.EXE, there are sprites of mangled palace guards. Want to know what they did with all the space they saved by removing this ridiculous sound test screen? Yuji Naka heard a 'Sega' chant in an advertisement and decided it should go at the start of the game. Like in every game that exists out there, Oldum77s games are filled with unused content, whether its sprites, sound tracks, dialogue, sound effects, etc.

Above: Sonic 2's Coconuts and Clucker look a lot like Max and Sharps from the scrapped sound test screen